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I wanna be loved by you

Theater Dortmund

Young, lesbian, Black seeking... We learn to love by loving. We practise with each other, on ourselves, in all kinds of relationships. The stars of our time supposedly show us how it's done and we enjoy watching them fail. What we easily forget: Relationships are a matter of negotiation, we with ourselves and our lived experiences that clash. Taking care of ourselves is not self-indulgence, but an act of political resistance. “I wanna be loved by you” is a radically tender, Afro-futuristic declaration of love to the infinite possibilities of queer togetherness. Following her successful productions of “Mermaids” and “I wanna be a Boi Band” in Oberhausen, “I wanna be loved by you” is Shari Asha Crosson's fourth directorial work and her debut at Schauspiel Dortmund.

Excerpt from the jury's statement:

“Overall, "I wanna be loved by you" is an impressive production that convinces with humour, political acuity and a fresh perspective on love and relationships of all kinds and forms."

The play "I wanna be loved by you" by Shari Asha Crosson is an impressive portrayal of love, self-discovery and queer relationships with humour and political acuity. It shows a world in which being young, lesbian and black means searching for identity and love. The protagonists, played by Akasha Daley and Dena Abay, struggle with learnt patterns of intimacy and pain in a racist and heteropatriarchal environment. They learn that love is a matter of negotiation and self-care can be an act of political resistance. The production debunks the 'white gaze' on black femininity through humorous portrayals of pop culture icons such as Beyoncé and Jay-Z. The stage, designed like a Martian landscape, symbolises the search for love and identity in an alien world. Black femininities are presented between comedy and political poignancy, which is a refreshing perspective. Overall, "I Wanna Be Loved By You" is an impressive production, with humour, political poignancy and a fresh perspective on love and relationships of all types and forms. Crosson and her team deliver an important piece of work that is thought-provoking and offers a multi-layered portrayal of black womanhood.

The Schauspiel Dortmund under the directorship of Julia Wissert is a stage for artistic awakening and social reflection. Here, tradition and avant-garde come together to create a unique cultural experience. The team reinterprets classical plays and introduces contemporary works that feel the pulse of society. The result is a theatre that bridges the gap between the past and the future - a place of dialogue and encounter where art expands the boundaries of the imagination.


Tue., 04.06.2024


accessible to

done public | 14+


pin_drop Maschinenhaus Essen


75 Min.


Theater Dortmund




Theatre Dortmund

Concept, text and direction, sound design: Shari Asha Crosson
with: Dena Abay, Akasha Daley
Stage: Marian Nketiah
Costumes: Lorena Díaz Stephens
Choreography: Willie Stark
Dramaturgy: Jasco Viefhues
Theatre mediation: Sarah Jasinszczak
Lighting: Markus Fuchs
Sound: Robin Lockhart
Assistant director: Karl Georg Gierth
Assistant set designer; Sandra Maria Kania
Stage manager: Christoph Öhl
Prompting: Klara Brandi

Performance rights: with the theatre